Replacing a cracked windshield is one of the most expensive auto glass repairs you may have to carry out on your car. If you live in an area that is heavily wooded and you regularly drive past trees, you know that the chances of having a stray, low hanging branch hit your windshield are rather high. People who live near highways or regularly drive over arterial roads during peak hours also face high risk of windshield damage from road debris being thrown back at their vehicle from other speeding automobiles. No matter how it happens, severe windshield damage is not something you want to ignore. And if the damage is in the area right in front of the driver’s seat, you have to set it right even if you can ill afford the windshield replacement cost.

When the damage is too severe to repair and you have no choice but to opt for replacement, there are some ways in which you can keep your windshield replacement cost within reasonable limits.
Drive Down to the Service Center
Your local service center may offer to make house calls to replace your windshield but many providers add a little bit extra to their bill when you choose this option. Check with your automobile glass service if prices for house calls are higher than those for in garage service. If they are, simply undertake the inconvenience of driving your car down to the garage to save yourself some money.
Choose Pre Owned Glass
Some reputed auto glass service providers offer pre-owned glass for replacements. If your windshield replacement cost is going through the roof, settling for used glass may bring down the bill quite substantially. Make sure that your service center checks the used glass for quality and strength before it is fitted into your car. This way, you can have a perfectly sturdy windshield fitted in your car and still keep costs within manageable levels.
Don’t Ask for Same Day Service
Same day service or express service usually comes with a premium price tag. Auto glass service providers ensure that every car that comes in for service is usually worked upon quickly and returned to owners so that others can be taken in. So, even the most popular car service center should be able to return your car in a day or two, at the most. Find a colleague or neighbor who can give you a lift for a couple of days or use your second car while yours is being serviced at the garage so that you can avoid rushing the replacement and paying extra.
Comparison Shopping Helps
Use the internet to find service centers near your home that offer great prices and discounts. Compare prices of a few service providers to find the ones that give good value for money. You may find that many small businesses that offer some really attractive prices tend to advertise extensively over the internet to keep marketing expenses low. The small service provider may be willing to share some of this saving with you in the form of lower windshield replacement cost.